Help me please I was stupid and I don’t know what to do


So this is going to sound so stupid especially since I’ve been having sex for years now and I don’t know what or if it’s possible but here I go...

I’ve been hooking up with the same 2 guys the past month or so and the one named Tyler. We don’t use condoms I trust him to pull out since he has a good 5 years on me and a lot of experience... well today he finished barely pulling out and he came on my hand accidentally while I was finishing myself (tmi) and it was still wet not dry or anything while I fingered my self... and

I am NOT on birthcontrol...

Then 45 minutes later I get home go pee and I got my period 6 days early...

Is there any any possible way I could have just gotten myself pregnant 😬😞🤷🏻‍♀️????

Please dont be mean or anything I didn’t realize anything happened at the moment and now I’m freaking out

I’m 19 on oct 27th and the guy is 23 and leaving the state in December