Ttc after birth control!!

Alicia • mommy of 1 sonshine 🌞 and 1 angel baby 👼 exspecting my rainbow baby 🌈👧🏽💖 summer 2019

Ok ladies i was recently on birth control becuase unfortunately i experienced a miscarriage my hormones were imbalanced i was on them from june until September. I did stop the pill mid way (i know thats not ideal) but i had a bad symptom occurring that i didnt connect to the pill until reading the package again. So i spotted 3 days once i stopped it was old blood, but now i noticed that i had early pregnancies symptoms for about a week now no period though. And when i tested its a negative, maybe its early, maybe my cycle is changing. But i have never had these symptoms for as long as im having them without being pregant. Any one on the same boat? Or experienced this?