Fur babies

Jenna • Wife 💜 fur mom 🐾🐱🐶 artist 👩‍🎨

Not too long ago I was scrolling through craigslist one morning, looking for puppies, before my husband woke up. I found so many scams that broke my heart but I continue to look. I came across an ad for a pit bull pup and I reached out. When my husband woke up I asked him if we could get said pup and he said yes!!

Once we got her it was a bit of an uphill battle. The people didn’t take care of her correctly. She was 6 weeks when we got her and she wasn’t using her back legs.

Well fast forward a month or so and I see a humane society ad for a hound mix puppy and a black and white kitten and I just look at my husband with puppy dog eyes. Needless to say I got both of them. :)

Thankfully our cat has gotten use to all of them and even plays with everyone!