Help me please

Miranda • Mom🐱🐱👦🏼/wife👪🤱🤰baby number two on the way

I need help.

There I said it.

My 18 month old is very anaemic, other than that he is a really healthy child.

We took him to the ped today for help because on top of the iron issue he is having issues sleeping and eating real food as he still is being nursed.

The ped told me that I need to teach him to sleep on his own, even if that means crying it out. I cant do that to him as a mother. So I need help getting him to a place where he can start actually getting night sleep and naps.

She also told me I need to start weaning him as well because im the reason he doesn't eat solid foods. He was doing really well until he got his molars and now completely stopped eating.

I'm so heart broken and left feeling like a horrible mother and I dont know what to do.