Hand-me downs vs New items


So I am expecting my first child with my boyfriend who already has two kids. His ex recently had a baby (maybe 7-8 months ago) and has a bunch of stuff she wants to sell and asked if we wanted it. I said yes cause how can you pass up a rock and play, bouncy seat, and a swing for $50. She also gave us a bag full of newborn diapers. And while I am so glad we were able to get those items for a steal I dont to use anymore hand me down things. Clothes I dont care if they are hand me down. But everything else I want to get new. I know we can save miney if we do take hand me downs but this is my first, I want that experience of getting new things for my baby. He got mad when I said I didnt want to use the diaper bags he had from his other two children. But I have one picked out that I really like and will fit my needs. He says that I dont want to save money cause I want to buy new things. But isn't that why you have a baby shower? I know I wont get everything on my list but I have a huge family so I'm pretty sure ill get most of it, especially since this is the first grandchild for my parents.

Sorry this post is so long. I just had to vent about gow I feel avout this.