Proud of myself


So I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and started fertility treatments. I definitely was feeling down about things and the last week has been especially hard . I work in healthcare and worked with multiple patients whose newborns were dying and a woman who died during childbirth. With everything going on I was in a funk feeling down and disheartened.

Today I set my alarm early despite not having to work. I did some self care and read which is one of my favorite things to do that I don't take enough time for. I ended up finding a book , several actually on PCOS. I educated myself and now feel empowered. Starting a PCOS friendly diet today and getting back in shape. I meal planned for the week and grocery shopped. Ended up making turkey chili for dinner tonight, grilling up some chicken and chopping veggies for salads, made an egg white fritta stuffed with tons of healthy veggies and some lemon blueberry scones which are gluten, dairy, and added sugar free. I registered for a 5k next month and hubby and I are on the way to the gym now.

I hope this helps us get pregant sooner but if not im going to be healthier and thats enough. This baby will come along when we are ready for it . And ill enjoy sleeping in until then . I just wanted to tell all the other ladies who feel disheartened with the TTC thing that you're not alone . But sometimes focusing on other things helps pull you out of the funky mood and makes everything feel a bit brighter