Went into labor on my due date!!


10/9 - Woke up at 7am with light contractions. Didn’t think much of it. Got my son up and on the bus for school. A normal mom life morning lol. Had a 40 week appt at 10:30am where he did a cervical check and I was 3cm!! So he swept my membranes and said if nothing happens by Thursday morning, go to the hospital at 730am to be induced. It’s now 5:50pm and maaaan I have been having contractions since I walked out of his office! They’re getting more intense so now I’m just waiting for my bf to get home from work (he ran out soon as I told him it was time lol) but now he’s stuck in the terrible Bay Area traffic. Ugh! I’m hoping I can wait for him before calling my mom to take me in. She overwhelms me so I’m hoping I don’t have to lol. I can’t wait to meet my second baby boy!!!!


Got admitted to the hospital at 730pm with crazy contractions. The nurse checked my cervix and I was 4cm 80% effaced. Contractions were strong but I was able to breathe through them. Until they spiked by 8:45 and I was pleading for the epidural. Which took almost 20 mins to put in because he couldn’t find the right spot. Omg I was in SO much pain with each contraction and the anesthesiologist taking forever! He finally got it in and I felt relief 15 mins later. By 940ish I was at 8cm! No wonder those contractions were instantly brutal! The Dr. broke my water and let me relax for a few hours.. I tried to nap but I was too anxious. A little after midnight the nurse explained that she will slowly turn the epidural off since I was already at 10cm and she wanted me to feel enough pressure to know when to push. We did a few practice pushes and waited for the Dr. to arrive. While he was setting up, the epidural was slowly fading, I had a stomach ache, could feel tiny contractions and lots of pressure. So we did a few more practice pushes to lower baby and I instantly felt sick and threw up so much! 😭 I was so scared and honestly didn’t think I was capable of pushing him out. But once I was done getting cleaned up, it was time!

I pushed this little man out in 4 big pushes! Daddy yelled out, “babe he’s here he’s here!! You did it!!”

Meet our little guy.. Sebastian James 6lbs 5oz 18in born 10/10 @ 2:02am💚

I’m so in love!!