need my IUd removed!!!


I think my paragard IUD is making me miserable. I had one for almost ten years before I decided to take it out and have our daughter who is almost one. I had it inserted in February. It seemed fine but last weekend I woke up and felt like something was ripping at my uterus. I had just finished my period about 5 days before. Then yesterday I woke up and threw up a couple of times which I NEVER THROW UP! I took a home pregnancy test and it was definitely negative. My lower back has been killing me and it just feels like I have period cramps periodically. I have NOT spotted or bled. I called to see how much it would be to get taken out and it’s $200 because I don’t have insurance right now!!! I’m wondering what my other options are at his point. Maybe being 10 months postpartum and ebf maybe that’s playing a roll maybe stress not sure. But has me worried. Any advice appreciated!!