Gender Reveal ruined!???


Okay so I had my ultrasound today to determine Gender 💗💙☺️ I’m 16 weeks and I told the tech it was a secret that I didn’t want to know. Only my sister (who was in the room) but my sister didn’t want to know until AFTER she got home so she didn’t give it away... okay ANYWAYS as she’s doing the ultrasound she slips up and calls the baby “she” then she quickly fixed what she said and just used the term “the baby” LOL I’m not mad @ all and I just pretended I didn’t hear anything. But when we left I told my sister and she thought she heard the same thing... I want another boy personally but either way I’m happy 🙂 my question here is... do you think it’s a girl since she said she??? Or do some techs call all babies he or she normally!? 😂😂😂 Idk how to word what I’m trying to ask. My sister now knows what the baby is and I get to find out tomorrow 🍼💗💙 I CANT WAIT