my daughter woke up with a diaper rash this morning, a lot worse than she’s ever had, but I did the usual rinse every time she used the restroom, left her for an hour or more at a time with no diaper to air dry, Desitin when wearing a diaper. Usually that takes it away QUICK. This time it is getting worse, after her last bowel movement it is bleeding! I called the nurse line, asked if I should bring her in to the ER, I was told no, to “maybe try hydrocortisone” until my doctor can call me tomorrow morning at 9 AM. I sent my husband to buy some and then read online that it’s bad to use hydrocortisone on broken skin. She’s sleeping without a diaper but I need help, more of her skin looks to be breaking. I am devastated for her. Any advice to help heal her until I can get her in to see her pediatrician? Please.