
Dakota 🏳️‍⚧️ • Trans woman, mother, domestic violence survivor

Does anyone know how to cope with loneliness? I am very shy and have no friends. It is extremely difficult to socialize because nobody talks to me. When I try to talk to people I'm ignored so I live mostly in silence.

There is one hot young man who absolutely drives me wild. Unfortunately he's generally distant. I'm in love

But except for a few heart pounding moments where he takes me in his arms (maybe 5 times in the past year) there is nothing there. He doesn't phone me and although he has my phone number he never gave me his. He has turned down every request for a date. Oh I feel like such an idiot! But nobody else acknowledges that I'm alive. I'm not even seeking a boyfriend now. I want a friend. I'm so alone. How do I do it? I guess it's obvious to everyone else but I need help.