How do I tell my family I need help??

We got an eviction notice the other day and have till the 31st to move. We tried to talk to our landlord about the situation because she’d been working with us before but now she just plain refuses to.

My husband and I have discussed possibly getting a travel trailer to save money and still have our own space. But we aren’t sure if our credit it good enough, we’re both in the mid 500’s because I lost my job a few months ago so shits piling up and our credit is taking the hit.

If we aren’t able to get a travel trail out only other option is to move in with family.

But how do I tell my family that I’ve failed as an adult, wife and mother?? How do I ask them to house myself(who’s currently 3 month pregnant) my husband, our 7 year old and two cats??

My sister had to move back home in her early 20’s with my niece and her ex husband. My mother has also moved back home several times, even as a 40 year old with 4 kids.... But for some reason I feel like I’m going to be judged more harshly than they were.

(Side note; I was still employed when I got pregnant. I am currently looking for a job but have about 30+ rejection emails)

(Side note 2; I have applied at minimum wage jobs, such as Walmart, Dollar General etc but have been rejected or told they’d pull my application then never heard back from them. My mother even tried to get me on at the locally owned restaurant she works at as a dish washer but she’d already told her boss I was pregnant and he said no. I’m not jobless by choice)