Awkward me

Okay, so, I’ve noticed that I always hold myself back from things in life and never really have fun and enjoy myself. Like when I go to parties I hold back and don’t dance too much or whatever so I don’t feel embarrassed or when I go on a date (went on my first one yesterday, so I guess first dates are always a little awkward) anyway I’m shy and feel kind of awkward that i give off a weird vibe that might make the guy uncomfortable idk. I feel like I need to loosen up and have fun and stop worrying about other people and what they think of me and stop trying to live of others expectations and just do me. But I just don’t know how I’m going to do that because I’m like the biggest over-thinker and idk I feel like the date wasn’t that great but he said he had a good time. Idk opinions, ideas, tips, help?