Is this positive?

Btw I used FMU but held it for a few hours. Took this at 1:57 pm today. Does this look positive or almost positive. I think it's a smidge lighter then the control line, but I'm not sure.


Little bit of info: I was taken off bc (nexplanon) 5 months back and I haven't gotten a period yet. Went to my OBGYN and he didn't do nothing to technically diagnose me for PCOS but that's what he thinks I have. He tested my testosterone and it was high got a call back from one of my OBGYN nurses and she said that's common for people that possibly have PCOS for it to be high. So he prescribed me metformin to see if it helps me get my period and I guess ovulate? I'm on 500 mg 1x a day for 30 days. Does metformin and PCOS give false reading with opk test strip cheapies?