I’m the worst when it comes to waiting!

Alyssa • 🤍Wife💋 Momma of two 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ 1 👼🏽 and currently🤰🏽🌈

First I’m going to brag- My husband had a surprise for me and bought me 5 pregnancy tests after he saw last nights test! He knows me too well! 🤣

But can y’all help me here? They were super faint when I took them. The results show up within 3 minutes and are invalid after 10minutes..well the results showed up in 2minutes and got darker before 10minutes..normal or invalid?

The top test was last nights and the bottom was a 21/2 hour hold this evening. Tomorrow I’ll be doing an fmu and Im waiting to take the FRER til my period is late.