She's finally here


So, let me just start off by saying that my birthing experience was A Lot better than I anticipated...

My due date was 10/11/18, so the closer the date was getting, the more anxious and excited I was. My pregnancy itself was fairly easy and being as though baby girl was always measuring on time with no complications, everyone thought that she might come earlier than expected. At my 36 week check up, my doctor said that I was already dilating almost 2cm. As the days went on, I felt almost every little change from baby girl dropping to the unusual slight cramping, but nothing screamed 'labor'. By the time my 38 week check up rolled around, I was convinced that she'd come late instead of early like everyone thought. 39 week check up came and I was so over the pregnancy, I wanted to cry. At my check up, my doctor checked my cervix and I was 3cm.

I had another appointment scheduled two days before my due date and at that appointment, my doctor had scheduled for me to be induced on 10/18/18. All the walking, squaring, exercising, etc I was doing basically did nothing, so I narrowed my eyes on that date as baby girl's new birthday. Then the Saturday after my due date, I decided to try a couple more tricks. My mom's coworker said I should try them and that they worked for her (She has seven kids, so I kind of took her word as gold).

I squated against a wall and pushed lightly as if I had to poop for 3 minutes, rubbed the space between my thumb and pointing finger for three minutes, and rubbed the spot just above the ball of my ankle for 3 minutes. I went to sleep, silently praying it works. The next morning 10/14/18, I felt a little off. I was working on my fourth bathroom run at 9:30 but the fourth time was different. I rolled over and a small gush of water came spilling out. In shock that I might have pissed myself for the first time in this entire pregnancy, I jumped out of bed, but the leaking didn't stop. I woke my fiance up and told him either my water broke or I peed myself really good. Confused, he asked what to do and I told him to smell the bed to see if it's pee while I clean myself real quick. When I came back into the room, he said there was no smell to it. I called my mom and she told me to get to the hospital.

We got to the hospital by 10 and when they check, they said the test didn't read positive but when they scanned me, I had low fluids. By 10:30, I was being admitted and hooked up. At this point, I was starting to get contractions, but I barely felt them. We only knew because of the monitor. The nurses started my pitocin and with every kick up they did, the contractions got stronger and closer. At almost 6:00, a nurse came in to check me and I was at 4cm, but now my contractions were getting extremely painful, so I asked for an epidural (bless the person responsible for this!!) Even though I could still feel the contractions on my right lower back, they were tolerant. At 10:30, the nurse came back and I had jumped to 9.5cm. By 11:20, I was pushing and on 10/15/18 at 12:25 am, my baby girl was welcomed to the world.

8lbs and 20 inches exact and a head full of hair (I literally was in shock by how big she was considering I was barely even showing). I received two stitches for a small tear and even now as I recover, I barely feel a thing. According to the nurses on the delivery floor, I did amazingly well for it being my first time. All I can say is that, I'm so happy my little girl is here.

Kalani Paris Brooks 💕💕