Do you think its childish

Rose • Binge Eating Disorder Sufferer Crippling Depression Avid Sandwhich lover

Do you think its childish when a person calls someone out for their weight?

Ive grown up with a dad who used to "over feed" me and my older sis with foods that had too much fat or too much oil or sugar. And of course my entire life im used to people calling me fat, fatty, chubby, fatass, fat fuck, thick legs, slow poke, you name it, people have called me that. So i grew up with low self-esteem and self worth and constant comparisons between me and someone whos a normal weight.

So when i stepped on a scale this morning i realized I reached my Goal weight of 219 (started at 240) then later that day, a girl who I bumped into her clay project pushed me out of the way, and said "lose some weight fatty." And i know i already hate myself i just keep thinking about it.

So do you think its childish

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