My doctor is so discouraging sometimes

I’m 11 weeks. I went to my first ultrasound and baby is perfect. I met with my dr to go over my bloodwork and she said how great my A1C and how impressed she is with my improvement from January (in January she said I was prediabetic and since then I went Keto and lost 40lbs).

She says I’m in no way high risk but she keeps saying I’m diabetic (which I’ve never been diagnosed as a diabetic). She wants me to go to a diabetic class so I can get the monitor and lancets and take my sugar everyday. Which is fine I will do that because I half ass do it now because I’m Keto. But now she wants me back in every 2-3 weeks to go over these numbers. First of all it’s $50 every time I step into her office, and secondly she is only open 9-12/1-4 so I have to use sick leave to go to her.

She also is sending me for MORE bloodwork on top of all the bloodwork I did 5 weeks ago. And she wants me to do a 24 hour urine test where I collect my urine to see how my kidney function is (I have NO history of kidney complications or issues in my family).

I appreciate her being proactive but I am just feeling like all my Keto progress was for nothing if I’m going to be treated as if I’m a diabetic. I feel like she sees my weight and just labels me. Yes I’m obese but I eat healthy 6/7 days a week, and moderately active and before I gained all this weight last year I was a heavy weightlifter.

She also talked about how she didn’t want me losing more than 5lbs this whole pregnancy and I’m like well I already lost 3lbs so far so I guess I can’t lose anymore. (I was 350 in June, 315 when I found out I was pregnant, and now I’m hovering between 312-314 given the day)

Am I overreacting with all of this? My husband says I should just suck it up and do what she says but he doesn’t get it because he’s never been plus sized or overweight.