How is your sleep going?


My little guy is two months old tomorrow and I’m trying to start a sleep routine with him. I know he’s still little and it won’t go perfectly but I am so tired in the mornings. I put him down between 8 and 9 pm after a bath/sponge bath depending on the night, books with Dad and a bottle of breastmilk. He typically drinks 4 oz. Then I lay him down to sleep and he gets up about 1:30 or 2 am to nurse. I change his diaper and he nurses maybe 10 minutes at the most. I lay him down. Some nights he goes to sleep in 10 min but other nights he can be up grunting and cooing for a solid 1-2 hours which is tough since he gets back up at 5 am to eat again. Some mornings he is just up for the day and other mornings I can maybe get him to sleep for another hour if I’m lucky. So on good nights I get pretty decent sleep (7 hours total) but on most nights I’m getting more like 4-5 hours since I’m really only sleeping from 9-1:30 or 2. He won’t stay asleep if I lay him in his bassinet for naps during the day so I’m usually stuck holding him. If I could lay him down I would probably try to sneak a 30 minute nap in. How is your sleep schedule going and do you have any tips on getting baby to stay asleep after their night feedings or sleep in their own crib or bassinet during day naps?