Heart broken

Shannon • Step Mommy 👧🏻 Nursing student💉 TTC #1

I’m becoming hopeless. I’m 9dpo according to glow. I have irregular periods tho so who knows...anyways...I really thought I was feeling symptoms. I had the sharp pains in my ovary, the cramping, a LOT of creamy CM which I still have, headaches, tired, cold like symptoms, chills. I had every symptom except breast tenderness which is normal bc I never feel that ever. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, and today and both were bfns. I keep hearing stories of girls getting their bfps on 10dpo but I doubt that will happen for me. I really do feel pregnant tho. And my uterus area is soooo bloated. I just wanna be pregnant. I’ve been having very vivid dreams and actually had an extremely vivid dream last night about me giving birth and looking at my child and it was a sensation I never felt before...it was amazing...then I woke up.

It’s so hard determining my period, and ovulation when I’m irregular...I really hope I get my bfp😩