Normal routine after birth?


Ok. So this is not my first pregnancy....or even fourth lol I am expecting #5. My first 3 babies were back to back and I basically lived in a cage 2r hours a day because I never left the house until they were toddlers. My 4th baby was born on Thanksgiving and my sister was living with me so I had tons of help but now with baby #5 I have no one but my husband to help but he works 12 hour days. My kids attend a private school 30 min away and I am so scared to have the baby and not be able to drive the 30 min to take my kids to school and take care of my toddler.(hes 3) I am not due until February but I am so nervous about getting back to my routine so soon after my baby being born. How did yall new.time moms deal with the morning school routine and still keep your sanity??