Bleeding after pap


Hey y’all. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant and had my first apt yesterday. The baby looked great and the heart beat was 186. The doctor done a Pap smear and said some pink spotting would be normal. I had nothing until that afternoon:evening and it was red blood. Not only when I’d wipe, it was also dripping in the toilet. It wasn’t enough to fill the pad or really even get on it. I had a couple drops of blood on my panties. It stopped and then later that night, once again I went pee wiped and it was red blood.. quite a bit I feel.. enough to cover the toilet paper. I went to bed and woke up and have been spotting off and on all day. Not enough to soil my panties at all. Just off and on.... wondering if this is normal? To me it seems like a lot compared to the “you may notice some pink” like he was saying.