I need to get this out


This is probably going to be on the longer side but I really just need to vent and get it all out. Thanks for reading :)

A little background... my two little brother have an immunodeficiency disease. This means that they can’t fight off even the simplest infections and they need bone marrow transplants to cure this disease. For the past year and a half I’ve been stressed about their condition. I’ve been moved into 2 different houses before moving an hour and a half away to our new house. On top of all this, I recently started my first year of university which alone, is already very difficult. The focus is constantly on my brothers and their sickness. Whenever someone talks to me, they first ask about my brothers. It feels as though I don’t even exist anymore. I feel like nobody cares about how I’m feeling or how I’m doing. I have my one friend who truly cares about me and that’s it. My own mom was late to my grade 12 graduation because she didn’t want to leave from the hospital. It hurts every day. I feel bad for my brothers and of course I care about them but it also feels nice to have someone ask about me for once. I’ve done everything I can think of to cope but it keeps getting harder every day. People will always say how strong my parents are and completely forget that I’m going through this too. I care too. I have feelings too. I cry almost every day about this because I just feel so alone. Not really sure how to end this but thanks for reading