Mirena update


So I got my IUD inserted on June 13th so it’s been about 4 months and let me tell ya, It’s been great! It’s awesome not having to really worry about having a condom on us or anything like that. My body at first hated it and now it’s adapted to the point where my period is back to normal but extremely light. I can use the “ALWAYS” panty liners or yellow colored pads and I’m set. Only complaint I have is that instead of my period lasting 5-6 days, my period is now about 7-9 days. I do see it as a downside because one of the reasons I got it was to eliminate my period, but honestly that doesn’t really bother me anymore. I really encourage others to try the IUD! It’s great not having to remember to take pills, Carry condoms or anything like that!!

P.S. the amount of quickies in the relationship have just skyrocketed, my sex drive x1000 and my orgasms are awesome 🤓

P.P.S. I think I was able to finally “squirt” with this thing inside of me and my SO loves it and so do I ! 😝

My head is just like go me!