Crib Transition Too Soon?


Is it too soon to transition my 9 week old into her own crib?

Im a FTM and my baby girl has been doing a fantastic job sleeping right by my side in her pack an play. Shes been sleeping 6-8 hour stretches consistently for about 3 weeks now. Recently Ive been reading about how the transition from bassinet to crib can be a bit of a challenge (and also remembering that its advised that they sleep in your room till at least 6 months). But our girls room is right next to ours and it would literally take me 10 steps to get to her crib.

So me and my husband decided to just see what would happen if we had her sleep in her crib one night. The first night she only woke up once for a feeding! Then the second night she slept over 8 hours straight! I kept checking the baby monitor and went in her room often to make sure she was ok, and she seemed perfectly content!

Now Im getting some serious FTM anxiety about leaving her in there!.....even though she did great! Needing some reassurance that Im not crazy for letting her sleep in her crib too soon!