
Hi ladies, just wanted to right this post for people looking for a little bit of hope! March of this year I unfortunately went through a ectopic pregnancy just shy of 8 weeks. My left tube ruptured which then had to be removed. A couple months later in July I had my first HSG done to see if my right tube was blocked or anything else. Once the procedure was over my doctor informed my my tube was completely blocked but wanted me to come back in a couple months to do the procedure again just to be 100% sure it was definitely blocked and didn’t spasm or anything. Yesterday was my second HSG and was SOOOO much more painful than the first time😩 BUT we ended up finding out my right tube is actually TOTALLY fine and had just spasmed during the first test. Sooo happy knowing that I can finally start trying to conceive naturally and don’t have to go through the <a href="">IVF</a> process. If there’s one tip I could give you all it would definitely be do TWO tests if the first one doesn’t work out. Baby dust to all of you ladies✨