ya’ll okay so this guy I sort of know sort of don’t know (the “we go to the same school but don’t really talk” type thing) last school year he would like always be looking at me and I know he talks to his friends about me. At the time, I was in a relationship and it didn’t mean much to me bc I was committed to this person. Time goes by, it’s a new school year and I’m single. I feel that I’ve gotten rid of all the emotional ties I had with my last relationship, so I’m ready for something new. I kinda wanna pursue this guy now, but we have no classes together, and only a few mutual friends. I don’t know any clubs or sports he’s involved in, and I think he might just be dual enrolled. I want to talk to him and build a friendship and see if there’s something there. How do I go about this?? (I don’t want to build a friendship off text)