Husband rant

I love him but sometimes he just irritates me. He's says stuff like you just need to stop breastfeeding. Or she's way too attached to you. She is 16 months old. He has said many times he wants her in her own room so we can "shut the door and let her cry it out" it seriously pisses me off bc he knows I'm against it. He slept in our guest room for weeks bc the baby was sick, cutting 2 molars and getting up frequently. That was fine. Shes now used to night nursing again so it's a struggle to get her to sleep more than a few hours. now he wants the baby out and I'm just not okay with that. I'm about to move both of us into the other room. I even have talked to him about ling term effects of CIO and he says everyone he knows are fine. 🙄. Just. Annoyed.