Hate My Postpartum Body


I’m 2 weeks postpartum exactly and I absolutely hate my postpartum body right now. It doesn’t help that my husband cheated on me by sexting other women when I was 5 months pregnant. I learned to get over it for the most part during the rest of my pregnancy by now that I’ve had the baby, what he said in those messages to those women keeps popping back into my mind. Specifically one where he talked about one of the women’s “toned body”. This is my second baby and these women pretty much look like I did before I had our first son. Ever since then I have had a hard time with my weight, especially in my stomach area. I look sooooo much worse now than I did after I had the second baby. I have back rolls and insane love handles for the first time in my life. When I was younger I used to always think I was fat when I really looked great but now I actually AM fat and I hate it and realize how much I completely took my pre pregnancy body for granted. I’m really scared that I’m never going to be “hot” again and never going to be comfortable in my own body and that I’ll never feel like my husband finds me attractive. I guess there’s no real reason for posting this. I just really need to rant to someone but I have no friends.