False labour 😭


So I’m 38weeks and 2dats,

it was 1:40am and I was woken by a terrible terrible backache, I thought I was just uncomfortable so I was tossing and turning until i started contracting at 3:30am, they started off every 10mins but quickly went to every 5-6 mins lasting 40ish seconds ,

I called hospital they said to come if I feel like it as I am a 45min drive away and my first labour was only 8 hours,

I left it and kept timing, they were starting to last for over one minute and coming 4-5mins.....

so I get my 6year old ready and called grandma to get her ready

My husband drove us and we left at 5:30am

Anticipation set in and i realised that On the journey to the hospital the contractions had stopped ?? 😬

I called the hospital and they said to come in and get checked over anyway as the adrenaline may have made the contractions seem weaker..

So we get there and they are so lovely I get hooked up to the monitor and everything was all good but no contractions 😭😭

One of the midwife done an internal to see if I was dilated and also offered and a stretch and sweep I agreed, she could only get one finger in my cervix and she said cervix is still thick..(not really sure what any of it meant)

And sent me home.

I’ve had a bit of slight cramping on the way home and when I got in I went to the toilet to see bloody tinged mucas on my pad, so I’m hoping it was the start of something hoping he comes sooner rather then later. I must admit it was upsetting and disheartening but he will come when he’s ready!