I’m a nervous wreck!😭

L🌸 • Mama of 2🩷💙 Married.💍 Texas 🌾

Over the last few days I have had this increasing fear that when I finally have my 1st ultrasound next week there will be no baby... this is my 2nd pregnancy and I am high risk due to being diabetic. My a1c was high at conception however this baby wasn’t planned. I have been working diligently on my blood sugars and keeping things as in control as I can. I am just so scared of starting the ultrasound and nothing being there anymore😭 my pregnancy test looked like this, which I was told was super strong:

I hate that I’ll be 1 day shy of 11 weeks before I even have an ultrasound. All I’ve gotten was 2 positive tests & then positive bloodwork at 7 weeks 5 days. Does anyone have any wise words for me? I know this is a very real fear first all mamas to be!😓