Am i wrong to feel this way??


*might be a trigger for some*

Ok so on aug 17th i had a d&c due to an incomplete miscarriage its been very hard comping mentally and emotionally and i think im pregnant again and my bfs mom made a commemt about "well if u wont do nothing differently then u dont need to get pregnant" mind u i was takng the vitamins and went to every appointment getting my blood drawn just about every appointment (blood work came back normal every time) blood pressure was high before pregnancy but it was lower once i got pregnant doc said that that can happen when some women get pregnant and i was always told i shouldnt of been stressing out or doing this or that but yet the people aka my bfs mom and others were doing just that i feel like she was kinda blamming me for what happened to our baby i feel like screming and not saying shit i miss our baby and it what hurts more is that me and my bfs sister were only 5wks apart so that didnt/dont help shit she was stressing more then i was but yet shes still pregnant she has her baby im not mad at thr fact that she still is and has her baby im mad and confused y i couldnt keep mine but she got to keep hers