Drug user


I need help!! My sister and my cousin who are very close to each other and actually live together and do EVERYTHING together do drugs every single day! I want to help them so bad but don’t know how to go about it without coming on to strong. I want them to actually listen and get help. My sister already got in trouble with the law and had a gun in the car and she almost did 5 years but got a ARD since she never got in trouble and it wasn’t her gun, she didn’t know it was there & it wasn’t even her car that she was driving (it was my cousins, go figure). My sister already overdosed on Heroin and literally almost lost her life. It was obviously not a wake up call to her or my cousin. My cousin went to jail and was sent to rehab & she got out and she started drinking all day every day. Now she is not on probation and she is doing coke, crack & heroin. They both shot it up before but haven’t notice any needle marks anymore. Please help! I don’t want to see my sister and my cousin kill themselves. I really want to help my sister the most. My cousin and me aren’t on good terms since she had sex with my ex (when we was together but we broke up because of that). I don’t know what to do now. I’ve tried the intervention but did not work at all, they got pissed and turned around and did coke in front of me.