Baby doesn't like Dad


My Emma is 6 weeks 7 days and usually has a pleasant demeanor. She's happiest and most likely to smile in the morning. She gets a bit fussier in the evenings.

The trouble is, that she is almost always fussy or outright crying when she is with her dad. He comes home in the evenings and wants to hold her and play with her, but she won't calm down for him. If I have to leave, they are both miserable (which makes me feel guilty).

He's tried everything. He's given her the bottle (unless she's starved, she acts like he's gagging her!), read to her, walked her, taken her for a drive, worn her in a carrier, talked to her, made faces, etc. We try to give him more time with her in the morning, but he's back at work so he usually sees her in the evening.

Has anyone else been through this? What else can we do?