Not feeling well


I'm 2 days late on my period and I'm 99.99% sure I'm pregnant.

Not that I haven't taken the pregnancy test. I've taken atleast 10. All negative. The day my husband accidently came inside me without protection. It's been on my mind that I'm for sure getting preggo. Can't believe I got lazy in taking the morning after pill. Mainly due to the fact that I've heard so many stories that it doesn't work :(

Anyways long story short. Ive got all the symptoms 1) nausea 2) spotting 3) bloating 4) back pain 5)stomach pain. But no frigging positive result.

The sad part is that I got accepted into two popular universities. I start in 6months. I don't know what to do :(

I want both the baby n to join the uni.