
Long story, so here goes

On the 6th of October I took a pregnancy test which came up positive and was on 10 DPO.

I tested with a Clearblue digital ovulation kit and got a flashing smiley on the 25/09/2018.

I took 3 First response tests and 2 clearblue digital pregnancy tests so the tests weren't faulty.

My last period was on the 09/09/2018.

My next period was due on the 10th of October.

Fast forward to Monday 23/09/2018, I had an untrasound and based off my dates I was 6w2d. But on the ultrasound there was absolutely nothing there.

So I had blood tests done on Wednesday and Friday. My doctor contacted me and said the Hcg is still rising but is rising irregularly so she referred me for another ultrasound to check for an ectopic pregnancy.

Today I had an ultrasound and was estimated to be between 4w and 4w4d pregnant. No ectopic pregnancy.

The doctor I spoke to at the hospital also said my hcg isn't rising like it would in a normal pregnancy.

Now here in lies my confusion. I took a pregnancy test on the 7th of October which came up positive. The ultrasound technician estimated that I conceived between the 9th and 12th of October.

I have been having cramps and lower back pain since Wednesday 25/10/2018. Also started bleeding on Wednesday which has been increasing more and more by the day. Also cramps have increased but are still mild and having sharp pains both sides.

I have been told it is likely an early miscarriage.

The doctors couldn't explain to me why I got a positive pregnancy test when I did because it doesn't add up.

I am very confused. If it is an early miscarriage I am okay with it because it's not meant to be. But I was wondering if anyone had any insight on my situation?