Two holes in baby's heart...


When I was pregnant I was sent to a pediatric cardiologist because during a sono it looked like I had a 2 vessel umbilical cord instead of 3. The appointment went fine, they said it was 3 but to follow up with the baby after 1month old. My daughter turned 7wks yesterday. I took her to her appointment yesterday where they did a EKG and a sono of her heart. I'm told babies are born with a hole in their hearts and they are supposed to close on their own. I'm also told that she has TWO holes next to each other, they should close on their own by 1yr and to follow up by 1yr. My mind was all over, not to mention I also had my 20month old son with me as well... busy.. busy.. busy! So.. has anyone ever heard of this? I'm starting to think I should get a 2nd opinion. I personally never heard of this.