Feeling Alone


I'm not sure where to put this, but I'm currently 17 weeks and I feel alone now more than ever. I'm not though..I'm married but my husband doesn't understand a lot of things. My mom is in town for 4 days( tomorrow is her last day here) and I won't see her again until June next year.

Today we were deciding on what to do after the mall and I suggested that we go to Balboa park, but my husband kept sighing about it like he was upset with my answer. Turns out he said he legs were hurting so we ending up going home. Then he said he was exhausted. He stayed up last night playing the game with his friend.....

Long story short. I feel like the bad guy because I want to spend every moment with my mom since it would be a while until the next time I get to see her. Not only that but me being a family oriented person and having no family here but my husband (family is in NC, I'm in Cali) I just want to be around my mom as much as possible. Especially since I'm pregnant and she understands me.

My husband never gets excited about anything unless its cars or games. So I kinda of feel alone during this pregnancy. He supports me and everything but we aren't on the same page. I honestly don't know what to do...I feel terrible for feeling like this...