Day from hell


Woke up around 5am to contractions. Had my 38 week check this morning and was told I’m 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was sent to the hospital for monitoring bc of the contractions and nurse said my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and they were very likely going to admit me. She also does a check and says I’m slightly more effaced. Then the on call doctor came in, whom I’ve never met, and checked me again saying that bc I’m only at 1cm they are sending me home. At home, my contractions get significantly more painful and closer together (3 min apart) so back to the hospital we go. I am then checked again by 2 nurses, 1 significantly more painful than the next, and they surmise I have no changes so not in labor. Doctor (same one) then comes in and tries to force induction on me. Hubs and I talk it over and he reminds me how pro-C section she is and how it seems like she just wants to go down that path. We end up leaving and coming home to try and stick to my birth plan of attempting a VBAC. So, here I am.....feeling very defeated, and very sore from all the poking and prodding from today :-/