UGH 🙄🙄🙄

Have you ever met someone who thinks they can say insulting shit to every one but then expects people not to get angry back at them?? It’s like “hello, you were rude! I’m not just gonna sit there and take it.” And then they victimize themselves....🤦🏽‍♀️

I’m just tired of this. I’m tired of not being taken seriously and tired of no one listening to me.

I’m just gonna go to bed. I’m tired of this day

Edit: For me, it’s both of my parents. I can’t say to either one of them “you did this and it hurt me” without them acting like victims. My dad will get really angry and yell for hours if anyone tells him he’s wrong. And my mom will either not listen and just take a petty jab at me because she thinks that’s what I’m doing to her, OR she’ll cry. I hate this. I don’t feel like I grew up with actual adult parents. My parents feel like immature teenage roommates