Slow slow early labor


39 weeks. About 5 days ago I started having contractions. They got bad enough where I couldn’t walk through them. Decided to go to L&D, sure enough they were real not BH, at 4 minutes apart lasting 1.5 minutes. Wasn’t dilated much tho so got sent home. Had an appointment later that day, had progressed some but only 1cm and 60% effaced. Been having steady painful contractions since. Last night they got super intense, 2 min apart lasting well over a minute, then I had a gush and relief. Thought my water broke. Turns out it was just a bunch of cervical mucus, so sent home. Am still only 2cm but 80%. This morning had the “bloody show.” Am going to get my membranes stripped tomorrow. This is not at all how I pictured labor 🤷‍♀️ honestly had no idea early labor could even last for a week! I am so uncomfortable all the time from the contractions being so close together. Ready to be in more pain tho to just get it all over with 😂🙃 Live so far from the hospital am sick of going in for false alarms. Need words of encouragement to hang in there because I am sooooo doneeeee and just want this baby O U T.