Light pink spotting?

I have PCOS and my obgyn prescribed me metformin to see if I get my period this month. Started taking the metformin the 7th of this month and nothing yet. So a week ago from today (Sunday) I had a bad cramp in my right ovary area went in my back and into my hips lasted around 1 minute. The a few days after Sunday just this past Wednesday I noticed some light pink spotting. Didn't last long at all went away around like 1130 pm. Didn't notice anything at all the next day or the day after. Then today rolls around and I notice that I have the light pink spotting again. My husband and I only baby danced 2 times this month because I'm trying to see if I get my period and didn't want to try to get pregnant and end up pregnant and never get my period. So do any of you ladies have any idea why I'm having spotting off and on. It's not dark at all, but it's a noticeable pink color!