Still Braxton Hicks?🤷🏼‍♀️

Jessica • Mom of 2 boys, 1 girl🧒🏼👦🏼👦🏼26 years young. Engaged💝💍

So I’m 34 weeks 2 days. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks since about 26 weeks or so. Just the usual tightening of the uterus. Last few weeks the contractions have been getting stronger but still I know they are just Braxton Hicks. However, I’ve felt two contractions since 3:30 that involved my uterus tightening but also slight pain that is in my lower abdomen, lower back and radiates to my upper thighs. Are these still Braxton Hicks just stronger versions? Or could I possibly be starting preterm labour? Im measuring 38.5 weeks and my doctor said I won’t make it to December cuz baby girl is already so big. Just want your guys honest opinions and advice.