Help!.Did I cause my baby to get too big?

Lauren • Baby Girl 💓11/2018. Baby Girl💓 4/2021. Baby Boy 💙 8/2022.

At 35 weeks I had my last ultrasound. Baby girl was measuring in the 50th percentile. I was worried that she would be big because I have GD, but had controlled it with diet. Doctor estimated that she would 7-7.5 pounds. I was fine with that.

At 36 weeks I started to become hungry all the time, so I wasn't being as careful with my diet. Although, my blood sugar numbers still looked fine. I measured 37 weeks at this appointment, which was last Thursday. Over the weekend my husband had a party with tons of junk food and I absolutely pigged out on Doritos and brownies... And I've been snacking more on foods that I shouldn't be eating.

Today, I had my 37 week appointment. (5 days after my 36 week appointment) and now I'm measuring 39 weeks. My doctor doesn't think I'll necessarily go into labor any sooner (I'm 1cm dialated and 50% effaced though), but he does think the baby will be much bigger... More like 8-8.5 pounds.

My question is... Did eating so poorly these last few days make the baby grow that much? I'm really nervous that I won't be able to deliver a bigger baby naturally. I also feel so guilty because I wanted a tiny baby (not unhealthy though). This sounds rediculous, but is there anything I can do to keep her from getting too big at this point?