2nd TTC, 1st Autistic


Hello ladies!

I am newly married for the first time at 40. I have a 19 year old transgender son that I have raised as a single mother that is high functioning autistic. I could tell you the story around that, but that would be extremely long.

I am excited to have finally found someone that accepts my son and wants to be in the ever challenging world of autism.

In talks with his psychologist, she recommended that I never have any more children because my one and only is diagnosed as such.

I can’t tell you how much that pissed me off. #1. There is no true definitive and documented cause of the disorder, and #2. I would be having a child with a different person (if that matters).

Nevertheless, beyond the obstacles and frustrations I have experienced in 19 years with schools, education, being 40, etc, I would like nothing more than to have a child child my new husband (dated for 9 years). And btw, my kid is freakin’ awesome!

Some people say I’m crazy to want to do this all over again Autistic or not, and some are completely supportive.

I want a family. I’ve never been afforded that opportunity in my life or in my childhood as my parents were married several times.

What do you think? Opinions and comments are completely supported.