Won’t talk


My son is going to be 2 in February and he refuses to talk. He gets impatient when he hands me something he wants and I say “cup” or “cookie” and wait for him to say it before I give him one. He will stomp and cry and have a complete breakdown if i don’t give him whatever it is he wants. He only says mom, dad, bub, and nan. I’ve tried sitting on the floor with him with a book but he just wants to do it himself, and that usually involves flipping multiple pages at once or just not being interested in anything on the pages. He is very smart and knows how most things work, I’m just worried because most kids his age say 20+ words already. He just shows no interest. I know every child is different, but as a mother it’s hard to not be concerned. Has anyone else had this problem with their toddler? Any recommendations on something that worked for you?