Azoospermia, do you tell any one in your family?

My husband and I are married for almost 4 years. We’ve been trying to conceive since 2015. I was requested to have a transvaginal ultrasound. The sonologist said I might have PCOS but the OB-gyne said I don’t. So she requested for another one and finally told me I have PCOS on my left ovary. I was put on Clomid for five days but we had no luck.

After several months, we consulted another OB and again, sent me for a transV ultrasound. She was meaning to give me Clomid but didn’t proceed because she said I have mature egg. So we went for follicle monitoring. We came back as I started to have menstruation. Just to add, I have regular menstruation.

We tried it again but this time with Clomid to help mature more eggs. Again, no luck. It was then that she requested for semenalysis for my husband. The result was zero sperm count... He had another lab test done to see any problems but there aren’t any. Everything’s normal and no blockage.. Also his thyroid function were all normal. We are on a long distance relationship most of the time because he’s a seafarer so we haven’t gone to a workup yet.

Is there hope for us to have our own babies? I’m already 33 yo and he’s turning 37.

Do you tell any of your immediate family with this kind of issue? What do you say to your relatives asking when you’ll be having your own? Especially husband’s family?

I want this to be just between me and my husband but in some instances, I want to just scream and cry. I’m feeling depressed for almost a year already, without anyone to talk to about this.. I am not sure if we can even afford <a href="">IVF</a> at this time.

I need some advice as many questions are running in my head like what if we don’t get any sperm from my husband etc. And I read somewhere that it might be a sin to conceive someone else’s sperm not from your husband because that will be like conceiving a child outside your marriage. Something like that. And it’s a mortal sin because it violates the Natural Law. Let me quote it here:

“<a href="">IVF</a> is a mortal sin because it violates the Natural Law. Fertilization/conception is designed by God to take place in the marital embrace.”

If in any case we end up choosing the <a href="">IVF</a> route, do we tell our families? I’m afraid that they’ll love our baby differently (husband’s side) knowing he/she’s not their blood.. (in case we use donor sperm)

Also, using donor sperm brings up more fear like what if someday our child meets and falls in love with someone and in the end, realize they were half-brothers/sisters.. I am so sorry I have so many questions and am so confused right now.

We wanted children of our own but we’re torn between choosing to have kids vs sinning. Or is it really a sin? Please enlighten me with this. I have no one to talk to about this.. Thank you very much to everyone who will help us..