Worst Halloween


I have always loved Halloween. As a kid I loved dressing up and going trick or treating. Now as an adult with no kids yet I love handing out candy to the few kids that come down our street. But after tonight I don't think we will be doing that again.

I was home alone tonight and had our inside door open (the outside door is a solid metal and glass door) so that I could hear if any kids came to the door while I was watching a movie. One group of 4 kids showed up. They looked to be around 11-12 yr no parents with them. One of the kids asked is he could use the bathroom which I thought was a little weird since I thought most kids are taught to never go into a stranger's house. I told him no that I wasn't okay with letting a stranger into my house and that it's really unsafe for him to go into a stranger's house. He said okay, I gave them candy and they left.

About 20 mins later I went to use the bathroom and completely forgot that the door was open. While I was in there I heard the door open and then shut really quick. I got back out as quick as I could and found the outside door not latched and all of the candy gone. They even took the container it was in. Our street doesn't have a lot of houses on it and it isn't a busy street so the likelyhood of anyone other than trick or treaters is slim. I also didn't see anyone all night other than that one group. So that leads me to think it was them.

I shut and locked the doors then sent my husband a text about what happened. He told his boss and his boss sent him home because he didn't think I should be home alone after that.

I am so upset at myself for being so stupid by not thinking to shut the door but also just at how shitty people can be. I know that kids do stupid stuff and don't think about how it could affect other people but knowing that doesn't make me feel any better about any of it. When I was that age I never would have thought about doing something like that and I definitely wouldn't have let anyone I was with do it either. Beyond that we also always had someone watching us to make sure we behaved ourselves.

We have had so much stress this month with hitting the one year mark of trying to have a baby with no luck and then my husband grandma passing away. I was looking forward to tonight and now I just want to pack away all of our decorations for good.

Sorry if this is a little bit of a mess. I'm still upset and crying sporadically. I don't want my husband to wake up and find me crying cuz I don't want him to worry but i just needed to get all of it out so i can sleep.