Fed up.

I don’t know what the deal is with my store manager but I’m about to snap! First I asked for more hours and haven’t received them, then yesterday I get called in the office and she accuses me of stealing money from the register. Please note we don’t get the luxury of counting the register before a shift starts(to make sure the drawer is right), there’s multiple people on that same register throughout the day, and I was the only one to get called into the office. My question to her was why would I be asking for more hours if I’m stealing money? We have SEVERAL cameras by the registers and I told her to watch them because I have nothing to hide because I have done nothing wrong. I’m pissed that she would even accuse me of such a thing. They just hired a new girl who didn’t know that two 5’s make $10. And NO I’m not joking about that one. I told her if she hired people that knew how to count maybe money wouldn’t come up missing. I’m extremely aggravated and honestly I think she’s doing this because I asked for more hours. Also note that she’s cut all of my hours to where I’m working 3 maybe 4 hours a day. After the whole conversation ended she goes on to tell me how I’m one of her best workers and have high numbers on everything I do such as transactions, signing people up to be a rewards member, and the amount of time it takes me to complete each transaction and how I take initiative. Then proceeds to tell me how she’s not accusing me but “she didn’t have this problem until I started working there”. Also note that the place I work has been a revolving door of employees, nobody ever stays here long and I’m starting to see why. I’ve already started looking for another job..honestly it’s ridiculous and I just had to rant for a minute.