I lost my baby girl to Patau Syndrome


I was at 12 weeks. I had old blood spotting for 2 weeks. I got so blood work done to find out the sex. It was a girl. But not only that but I tested positive for Patau Syndrome. Meaning I have an extra 13 chromosome. So my OB set me up with a high risk doctor to talk about our opinions. This happened yesterday (Halloween). After talking to the genetic counselor we did an ultrasound. That baby had no heart beat she had been dead for 3 weeks. I knew something was wrong for the past couple weeks and the doctor said everything is fine. I’m so angry and sad! This is an extremely rare disease. Why did this happen to me!? Why did my baby have to suffer!? For all of you who don’t know what Patau Syndrome is it is were the baby wont live past birth. If they do they only live up to a year. It caused spontaneous miscarriages and still births. I don’t know how I can handle this. I’ve never felt so mich pain in my life.